1672, November 16 Land Deed between Margaret Allen with her son Joseph Allen and Samuel Allen of Bridgewater
I had read a summary of this document at least once, but it was always a couple of steps removed from the original sources. Some enthusiastic persons online has put Margaret's death as 1650, before Joseph and Abigail were born. I knew that this deed was after Samuel's death in 1669 and would show that Margaret was still alive well after 1650. Perhaps a different Margaret Lamb died in Ipswich in 1650?
I was delighted to find out that this is the same document which defined some of the early Allen boundaries. I still need to find the document about the dam for the sawmill flooding Samuel Allen's fields.
"Know all men, by these present's that I Margaret Allen the Late wife of Samuell Allen now deceased : & Joseph Allen my Sonne both of the Towne of Brantry in the Goverment of the Massachuset's in New England, for & in consideracon of Twenty pound's, given & appointed, to bee Paide, by the abovesaide Samuell Allen deceased, to his sonne Samuell Allen of Bridgwater in the overment of New Plimouth, Wee the abovesaide Margaret Allen & Joseph Allen doe hereby acknowledge to have bargained, sold & assigned, & by the bill of Sale have made oVer to the abovesaide Samuell Allen of Bridgwater twelve acres of Land, Lying & being within the Towneship of Brantry, butting Vpon the River called Monatticut, beginning at the Vpper corner of theire Lot next the River neere the Saw Mill & on the North side of the River, & running downe the river soe far as the Cartway at the Bridge to a crooked Ash tree & running in Length the same breadth as it's by the River till it make Vp the full Sume of twelve Acres of Land; which Land with Wood, Timber Stones & all other pvilages conteined within the limit's before Specified, I the saide Margaret Allen & Joseph Allen abovesaide doe by these prsents, fully, freely, absolutely, aLienate, bargaine, Enfeoffe confirme & for ever maKe over Vnto the aforesaide Samuell ALlen of Bridgewater all our claime, title & jnterest that doth, did or any waies may appeare formerly to belong to Vs or any of or heires Executors or admrs & assignes; Together with all benefit's pvilages & jmunities thereVnto belonging To have, hold occupy & Enjoy for ever; without any claime, title & jnterest for ever to bee made by Vs our heires, Executors. & admrs. or any Other perso or person's whatsoever for or to any part of prcon Of any of the land before Specified as from Vs apperteining & herevnto have Set or, hand & Seale
Margaret Allen her marke & a Seale
Joseph Allen & a Seale
the late being jnterlined in ye 2nd line before Sealing
Signed Sealed & Delivered in the presence of vs
Daniell Preston
Samuell Greenewood
Nathaniell Greenewood
This jnstrument was acKnowledged by Margaret Allen & Josepeh Allen as theire Act & deede, Novembr. 16th. 1672
before Edward Ting Assist.
Recorded & Compared. Novr. 21th. 1672 p : Isaac Addington Cler.
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